Do This 1 Step If You Want To Be More Attractive

The one thing all attractive people have in common

Julie Penn
4 min readMay 23, 2020

We all want to feel beautiful. In today’s society, beauty and attractiveness are big contributors to self love, especially when growing up. Yet, feeling beautiful and attractive feels unachievable as there are many unrealistic standards of beauty according to society. But, there is one thing that with a bit of hard work, we can all do in order to be and feel more attractive.

That one thing is CONFIDENCE. As some of you may be upset as they clicked on this article expecting to hear about some magic potion, believe me, this will work better.

People say “people will treat you the way you treat yourself”, or “you get the love that you believe that you deserve”. Meaning, if you believe that you are ugly and undeserving, people will internalise this view of you and act accordingly. BUT, if you believe that you are beautiful and act upon it, people will have no choice but to follow along.

If you aren’t going to have confidence in yourself, why would anyone else?

When someone is confident within themselves, they transform the energy in the room. We are drawn to them, we want to be their friend, to talk to them, and to date them.

In the world of dating, confidence is essential. Someone who doubts their own appearance and ability sends signals of insecurity that warn potential partners away. Self-assured individuals are looking for people who are as happy and healthy as they are.

Confidence lures people in and reflects one’s essence. If you are dreary and dull, people will want to avoid you. If you are bright and vibrant, people will want to be around you. It’s that natural spotlight. -Why is self-confidence attractive?

Let me tell you a story, when I was in in junior high, there was this one popular girl that had so many friends and switched boyfriends probably 5 times a year. Through-out junior high, my friends and I spent our time being jealous of her and wanting to be her. Her actions truly amazed us, for example, in ninth grade, she was into this cute senior. Without hesitation she walked up to him and started talking to him, two weeks later he was her boyfriend. Now, let me surprise you. I personally didn’t think that she looked good but as time went by, I saw her confidence and her “social success” and without realisation, began doubting my self. A few months into the school-year I thought she was drop-dead-gorgeous and would have given anything to look like her.

What makes confidence so attractive? One reason is that a lot of the things we want in a partner are difficult to observe directly, especially on first meeting — this includes traits like competence, drive, social status, and kindness. Because we trust that people know themselves well, and assume that their confidence (or lack thereof) reflects their actual value as a partner.

In addition, another big benefit of confidence is expanding your opportunities. Imagine a situation, you are sitting in a bar and suddenly a beautiful person walks in. You really want to go talk to them but you’re scared. “What if they think I’m ugly?”, What it they’re way out of my league?” ,” there’s no chance they’ll be interested.” In that moment, out of lack of confidence, you blocked yourself from an opportunity. If only you had the confidence to go talk to them, they still might say no, BUT THEY MIGHT SAY YES. In just one small step, you took your chances from 0% to 50%, quite an improvement huh?

“Confident people are perceived as being more attractive, they’re better at sales and do well in the front of the room. They also believe they can handle whatever life throws at them and take more risks, which naturally leads to unlocking opportunities.”

Additionally, confidence has been proved many times to have a correlation with success, and according to studies “male attractiveness can be enhanced by manipulation of status”.

“Study results showed that the male target model was rated as significantly more attractive on a rating scale of 1–10 when presented to female participants in the high compared to the neutral status context.”


  1. Eliminate negative self-talk : Pay attention to what you’re saying to yourself within your mind. Every time you think something like “I can’t do this,” replace it with something positive such as “I’m going to give it my best shot.”
  2. Smile : It conveys confidence, regardless of what you’re really thinking. Plus, many studies have found that smiling is highly correlated with whether or not a person is perceived as likeable
  3. Convince yourself : As I mentioned, when you look in the mirror, instead of looking at the flaws, look at the good things. Tell yourself you are beautiful and strong and slowly you will feel like that from within.
  4. Learn from your mistakes without dwelling on them : How you handle slip-ups is also important. Confident people understand no one is perfect, and however you just screwed up, it’s probably not the end of the world.
  5. Do things that make you feel good : Invest in yourself, whether it is by working out, eating good, getting a haircut and more. Not only will it make you feel more beautiful, it will also make you feel important.

“Confidence is the most beautiful thing you can possess”



Julie Penn

I write about my life, experiences and thoughts. Reach out at